How 2021 started
Good-bye 2021, you were a time. Hello 2022, may this be a more relaxing and free year for all of us!
2021 was a rollercoaster for sure, I don’t have to tell you how The Thing That Shall Not Be Named impacted all of our lives over the last year. I was fortunate to only be dealing with it in a personal capacity seeing as I was on maternity leave all year, but it was a stressful year as we all navigated difficult health decisions - to job or not to jab, that is the question, and continued to suffer the mental and emotional tole that comes with lockdowns, restrictions, and the never-ending recommendations to basically stay away from everyone. Social media can be a game of “who’s life is better” and it’s much easier for me to share my successes than my struggles.

How 2021 ended
In all honesty, there were a lot of struggles for me this year that brought a lot of lows or looking at it positively, personal growth milestones for me. Some of which include (I will hopefully be writing about each of these topics soon as they have been a huge source of growth for me this year and I have a lot of thoughts to share on each of these topics):
· Learning to co-parent and be a single mom
· Navigating dating for the first time in years AND dating during a pandemic
· Ending not one, but two relationships (surprise! I’ve had a lot going on in my ‘love life’)
· Mental health struggles (and how I try to deal with them)
· Home renovation challenges

Pumpkin Picking - October 2021

My little farmer girl. She's fit right in at my Aunt & Uncle's
While it can be easy to dwell on the negatives, and I’ll be the first to admit I tend to do, there were also a lot of highlights to this year which deserve some recognition.
· Spending 365 days with my daughters
· Buying a house
· Working with a life coach
· Starting a business
And of course, I’m grateful for a lot of smaller things too like the health of my family, all of the amazing friends I’ve made this year, everyone who’s helped me on the house and a lot of other things too.

Someone was not feeling pictures today 😛

Do you think she liked it 😅
When I think about last year, I didn’t do very well with my goals.
· Reach 10,000 followers on Instagram ~ I didn’t even get close to this
· Lose my pregnancy weight ~ ha ha ha, pretty sure I gained more, oops
· Spend quality time with the girls unplugged ~ I think I did well with this one, thankfully
· Start and finish Raiyah’s quilt ~ I bought some of the fabric and created a design but definitely not done
· Buy a house ~ Yes!

Well someone grew a lot from last year
I want to make 2022 my year and I’m willing to work for it now. I’ve realized that the only thing that’s been standing in my way is me and the perceptions I have about what I’m capable of. I’m planning to remove that barrier and see what I can manifest this year when I believe in myself. I’m usually more of a goals person and I’ll turn these into more actionable items later but here are my resolutions for 2022.
· Put myself on the list, and regularly make time to do things that make me happy
· Learn to be intentional with my time so I can be present with the girls everyday
· Practise letting go of things I can't control and things that don’t matter (like having a perfectly clean house)
· Make my physical and mental health a priority
· Commit to a morning routine – I know I'm a better mom when I get up before the girls
· Put myself out there… again
· Hustle hard and hit your business objectives

What better motivation is there then these cuties 😍
Let’s make 2022 the year we all reach our goals! What are your goals or resolutions for this year?
Here are a few more pictures that didn't make it to the Gram but are still super cute!

The "Oh shit I got caught" face 🤣

She's so proud of herself for figuring out how to climb onto the stool. My face looked much more terrified!

The pig tails get me every time but I love her smile more

I don't know why I love this so much but I do

She mastered the criss cross and wouldn't stop laughing

Oh to have that kind of flexibility again, and a face that's so cute as hers.

She couldn't stop starring at "Grandpa's" big excavator, which she learned to say before a lot more useful words.

All that glitters is not gold, except you baby girl 🥰