It's a new year, and a perfect time for reflection and intention setting. While every year is full of ups and downs, for some, these ups and downs seem to be amplified in recent years. It seems most people were ready to kick 2022 to the curb but my reflections on the year were very positive and I’m excited to see what 2023 will bring for me.
The Downs - There were definitely low points to the year but somehow what remains is gratitude and optimism (maybe all my personal and professional development reading is paying off) because these ‘downs’ actually resonate more as ups for me and here’s why.
Transitioned away from financial security and predictability ➡️ started a business that I am super passionate about and feel fulfilled by every day.
Inflation (it hit everyone hard including me) ➡️ taught me what my priorities are and reinforced my resourcefulness. It’s not easy but I know we’ll be okay
Lost an Uncle ➡️reconnected with family I hadn’t seen in over a decade and allowed my mom to repair burnt brides with a different Uncle she hadn’t talked to in several years
The Ups - And of course, there were some other positive things that happened as well, like

Conceiving my third child, a baby boy I’m excited to welcome in 2023
Learning to trust myself and have confidence that I can make my dreams come true even if I’m living my life by unconventional standards
Spending ample time with my daughters (creating a life of freedom and flexibility)
Potty training Raiyah
Thalia learning to ride a tricycle independently
All the small moments, hugs and cries I get to see as a stay-at-home/work-from-home mom
Learning about my physical and mental health and how to take care of myself. Losing over 25 lbs before getting pregnant was just a bonus!
Making new friends and accepting that I’ve outgrown some previous friendships
Learning to accept that I can’t make other people change, also there are some things in life I cannot control no matter how hard I try. Learning to let go was hard but an incredibly impactful lesson for me this year
Being able to help over 15 local businesses in my first year. I am so grateful to the community for supporting my business this year
Overall, I feel like 2022 was very good to me, but I also fully believe there are more wonderful things coming in 2023 as well! While I can’t begin to predict what they might be or how it will all unfold I do still want to set some goals and intentions to ensure I’m working toward what I want and manifesting the right things into existence for myself and my family this year.
Personal Intentions for 2023
Improve my financial situation by reducing my debt load
Welcome baby boy and focus on being more present when I’m not working
Finish my current quilt project and start a quilt for Raiyah or baby boy
Learn to set boundaries and stick to them, I have learned I need to prioritize self-care and take breaks regularly
Take a family vacation (even if it’s a local one)
Give myself grace during my post-partum phase before worrying about “bouncing back”

Business Intentions for 2023
Implement a more cyclical approach to my business to reduce burnout and create a more balanced, non-hustle lifestyle (inspired by In the Flo by Alisa Vitti)
Learn to pay myself what I’m worth and implement boundaries with my clients to maintain the work-life balance I’m seeking
Focus on implementing evergreen or passive revenue streams and adding automation to streamline my processes
Stop putting my core business activities at the bottom of the list and make time for the larger, needle moving and creative activities I enjoy and that propel my business forward
Make list building a priority

Sounds simple, but from experience, I know life has a way of getting in the way of plans. I’m intentionally being vague with my goals and timelines this year, so I don’t feel stuck and discouraged when things don’t unfold the way I want them to.
I see some people pick a word to represent what they want for the coming year, last year I think I set my word to be growth which I am happy to say I did personally and professionally. The word that is resonating with me right now is alignment and that’s what I want to focus on in 2023.
Share what your goals are or the word you’re focusing on in 2023 in the comments.
Having trouble setting goals or looking to better align your social media strategy with your goals? Book a FREE 1:1 consultation and we’ll bring you the clarity you’re looking for!
Cheers to 2023!
