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Quickie #4: Instagram Red Flag Test

When I run masterclasses I like I personally invite people who I feel would benefit from it, so I've seen a lot of profiles this week.

One thing I've noticed... sometimes it's hard to tell which profiles are still active and which ones have been forgotten. 

Today's Content Quickie is to make sure you past the red flag test.

Two red flags I look for to see if an account is active:

⛳️ There active stories on your profile

⛳️ There's new content (anything that's less than 3 months old)

Now before you give yourself automatic checkmarks I want you to grab your phone, open Instagram and check your first post. It's likely a pinned post, check and see what the date is on it?

Go ahead and check, I'll wait.

I see this so often! Accounts post regularly but they've created these epic post that they've pinned to their profile... and it sits there forever. RIP your 'active' account ☠️ because your newer content is hiding behind your old pinned posts.

When someone new comes to your profile they're not looking for the 📌 icon on your post so when they click on the first one in your feed and it says November 13, 2023, they assume it's been that long since you posted and they leave your profile.

Not good! 

You're probably thinking, but Brittany, I spent a lot of time working on that post it helps me get more clients/grow my email list/introduce myself, you said that's what my pinned posts should do.

Yup, they should but they still have to be new! 

That's why we created a new pinned post two weeks ago. (If you missed that issue, click the link below to go to the Content Quickie Archive). So you need to repost your pinned posts regularly or pin newer content. 

If you have an old post pinned unpin it and pin something new or repost it and pin the new one.

For the second red flag, if you don't have an active story we're going to fix that too. We'll dive deeper into story content another day but for today, snap a quick picture of yourself or your desk, outside etc. The picture itself is not important.

Create a new story using that picture and add text on screen sharing what you're doing in your business today, to-do list style. If you're not working today, share what you're doing instead and why you're grateful to your business that you get to do that activity. 

Optional, tag me @brittanymillersocials so I can see you taking action on today's topic and I'll share it to my stories as well!

Now you've passed the ⛳️ red flag test... for now, don't forget you should check on your pinned posts and refresh them at least once a quarter and stay as active in your stories as you can. 

I'll be back next week with another quick content item you can do to improve your social media.


New to the Content Quickie? Meet the creator!

Hi! I'm Brittany, a mom, mystery buff, bookwork, and DIY home decor enthusiast. I help small business owners gain the tolls and confidence to market their business with ease. If you want clarity to grow your business effortlessly, I can provide the roadmap for you to take action, get results and make money! Hear my full story here.

Here are some ways you can connect: 

View our Social Media, Email Marketing, or Podcasting ServicesBrittany Miller Socials is here to help make sure you are spending your time on marketing activities that will actually get you results. 

Looking for more education and DIY tools?? You are in luck!

Ready to take the next step in the world of online marketing?

Not sure what you need and just want to chat? Send a voice message on Instagram or contact us here. We'd love to help. See ya next week!


Hi, I'm Brittany

Your st. Thomas based marketing Mentor 

I'm a mom, mystery buff, bookworm, and DIY home decor enthusiast. I help small business owners gain the tools and confidence to market their business with ease. If you want clarity to grow your business effortlessly, come learn more about my favorite social media tips, email marketing strategies, and podcasting insights. I provide the roadmap and confidence to take action, get results & make money!

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Hi, I'm Brittany

I'm a mom, mystery buff, bookworm, and DIY home decor enthusiast. I help small business owners gain the tools and confidence to market their business with ease.


If you want clarity to grow your business effortlessly, come learn more about my favorite social media tips, email marketing strategies, and podcasting insights. I provide the roadmap and confidence to take action, get results, and make money!

Your Marketing Mentor Based In St. Thomas, Ontario

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