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33. Gratitude and Growth: A Journey into Positive Psychology with Natasha Kiemel

In Episode 33 of the Go Get Great Podcast, we embark on a transformative journey into the world of positive psychology with our exceptional guest, Natasha Kiemel. Natasha is a mindset and business coach who specializes in helping entrepreneurs and expectant parents find balance, positivity, and growth within their lives and ventures.

Throughout this episode, Natasha shares her wealth of knowledge on topics like the 4% shift for lasting success and consistency, the power of gratitude practises from a psychology perspective and also resources and advice for expecting parents when preparing to step into motherhood and business.

Tune in for valuable lessons on maintaining a balanced perspective while journeying through motherhood and business, equipped with numerous practical resources and tools to support your success.

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Give us a follow if you're ready to take life from good to great, you'll be the first to know when we share more about motherhood and business. If it really resonated, the kids and I would do a happy dance if you left us a review 💗 ~ Brittany

00:00 Intro

3:30 Getting into psychology

7:30 The 4% shift

17:30 The psychology of gratitude

23:30 Playing the comparison game

29:00 Preparing for transitioning into motherhood and business

36:15 Resources for expecting parents

41:15 Learning from mistakes

51:00 Wrap up


Hi, I'm Brittany

Your st. Thomas based marketing Mentor 

I'm a mom, mystery buff, bookworm, and DIY home decor enthusiast. I help small business owners gain the tools and confidence to market their business with ease. If you want clarity to grow your business effortlessly, come learn more about my favorite social media tips, email marketing strategies, and podcasting insights. I provide the roadmap and confidence to take action, get results & make money!

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Hi, I'm Brittany

I'm a mom, mystery buff, bookworm, and DIY home decor enthusiast. I help small business owners gain the tools and confidence to market their business with ease.


If you want clarity to grow your business effortlessly, come learn more about my favorite social media tips, email marketing strategies, and podcasting insights. I provide the roadmap and confidence to take action, get results, and make money!

Your Marketing Mentor Based In St. Thomas, Ontario

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