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Quickie #6: My $19 Mic 🎙️ Experiment

I created this reel 👉🏻 to settle a debate.

I’ve been eyeing up lapel mics on Amazon for months. I’ve seen some big creators use them when they’re films reels and figure there must be a reason.

Brittany = Team Cheap Mics Work

Every time I go to order a set Grayson pipes up that a $30 mic is a waste of money. He was adamant that such a cheap mic would never work to improve the audio quality of my video content.

Grayson = Team Cheap Mics Don't Work

Seeing as he’s my in house tech guru who recently had to rent high tech mics for a wedding video, I kept listening and never clicked ‘buy now’.

Until I finally caved and decided to test the theory. I like to think of myself as an experimenter, after all trying different things to see what works best has served me well in life and business.

I figured I could try them and if I didn’t like them I could just return them and Amazon wouldn’t ask any questions about the open box (the one perk of large companies).

This reel was the maiden voyage for the Mini Mic Pro I ordered. 

Grayson and I are both stubborn when we have different opinions. I knew we would need to see mic vs. no mic in action to finally settled the debate 

$18.99 later and I got to say I told you so to Grayson (love you, babe 💕 ).

Even I was impressed with how well the mics filtered out the wind sound.

Moral of the story: You never know if it will work until you try it

Content Quickie task for today: Order a set of mics to improve the audio quality on your reels. If you want the  Mini Mic Pro mics I got, I’ve linked them for you.

*Note: Only order mics if you regularly create reels where you’re talking, if you don’t create a lot of talking video this it’s a waste of money no matter how inexpensive they are

*Secondary note: This is an affiliate link


New to the Content Quickie? Meet the creator!

Hi! I'm Brittany, a mom, mystery buff, bookwork, and DIY home decor enthusiast. I help small business owners gain the tolls and confidence to market their business with ease. If you want clarity to grow your business effortlessly, I can provide the roadmap for you to take action, get results and make money! Hear my full story here.

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Hi, I'm Brittany

Your st. Thomas based marketing Mentor 

I'm a mom, mystery buff, bookworm, and DIY home decor enthusiast. I help small business owners gain the tools and confidence to market their business with ease. If you want clarity to grow your business effortlessly, come learn more about my favorite social media tips, email marketing strategies, and podcasting insights. I provide the roadmap and confidence to take action, get results & make money!

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Hi, I'm Brittany

I'm a mom, mystery buff, bookworm, and DIY home decor enthusiast. I help small business owners gain the tools and confidence to market their business with ease.


If you want clarity to grow your business effortlessly, come learn more about my favorite social media tips, email marketing strategies, and podcasting insights. I provide the roadmap and confidence to take action, get results, and make money!

Your Marketing Mentor Based In St. Thomas, Ontario

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