In October does your feed look like a warm sweater and a trip to the pumpkin patch or a scene out of the haunted mansion?
Either way, this blog post is full of cozy, family friendly content ideas and spooky social inspiration that will surprise and delight your followers at every turn.
Hi, I'm Brittany, a mom, mystery buff, bookworm, and DIY home decor enthusiast. I love nothing more than finding sustainable strategies to help your business grow into what you've dreamed of. If you're looking for support with your social media, email marketing to podcast, click here to learn how I can help.
Table Of Contents
Month Long Ideas
Spooky Season - Even though Halloween is technically only one day a month the spooky season spirit emerges early in the month and is a great opportunity to scary some scary stories from your industry or niche. You could make it a weekly post theme to bring continuity to your content plan.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month - is an international campaign organized by major breast cancer charities to increase the awareness and raise funds for cancer research and if you have a personal connection to the charity it's the perfect opportunity to do some story telling and raise awareness within your audience.
LGBT History - Again, if you have a personal connection with this community it's the perfect opportunity to add some rainbow colours to your feed and share your story and connection to the community.
Eat Better, Eat Together - encourages families to make more nutritious meals at home. If you're a food based business this is a great opportunity to offer recipes, meal plans, cooking classes/events etc. geared towards families. And when you do, don't forget to encourage them to join your email list to work with you.
Week Long Ideas
Mystery Series Week (October 1 - 7) - do a post or story series where you sleuth out the truth with some of the lies, myths etc. around your business or industry. For example, I might do a post like, "Does the algorithm punish you if you don't have active stories all the time?"
Customer Service Week (October 2 - 6) - good customer service and client expereince is the backboneof all successful businesses. Take the opportuniy to share what your practises/procedures are to ensure the best expereince. You can also do shoutouts 'meet the team' style for your customer service employees and share some of the wonderful reviews and testimonials you've received to create trust with your audience.
Ideas for (Almost) Everyday of the Month
October 1: Coffee Day - coffee inspired reels are a dime a dozen, why? Because they are easy to relate to, but if you want to go a step above the traditional stirring coffee reels, try this. Or the magically appearing message like this.
October 2: World No Alcohol Day - did you know Grayson and I don't drink? If I want to feel fancy occasionally I'll make mocktails or smoothies and put them in wine glasses 🤓 That is a great example of a post I could do creating a personal connection with my audience. I would also include a mocktail recipe or a link to an account I like to follow for fun mocktail ideas, likes @themindfulmocktail. You could do the same.
October 3: Global Smoothie Day - take a video of yourself making a smoothie and use it as b-roll for your next reel. Day to day activities help your audience get to know you more and make content creation easier.
October 4: World Financial Planning Day - managing your businesses finances may not seem fun but creating a financial plan will ensure the longevity of your business. If you need some financial planning inspiration check out this podcast episode.
October 5: World Teacher's Day - If you're a business who shares educational content, you're teachign your audience and today is a great opportunity to share an educational post. You can add a P.S. at the end of the post letting people know it's national tecaher's day and invite them to comment one thing they've learned from you.
October 6: National Coaches Day - This is a great opportunity to introduce yourself as a coach for _ (people). Try an easy reel like this. Optional, you can run a promotion on your coaching sessions/packages.
October 9: Thanksgiving (Canadian) - sharing recipes and gratitude are popular for Thanksgiving, and I'm here for it. I love a good recipe and there's always room for more gratitude posts so don't skip it just because you've done it before. Also, if you have Thanksgiving products or promos, make sure you promote those too!
October 10: World Mental Health Day - today is a great to share any of the resources you have in your business around mental health, things like journal prompts, meditation guides, mental or physical exercises that help you or your audience improve their mental health.
October 11: National Kick Butt Day - I love shouting out my clients who are kicking butt, you can do the same with customers who are getting great results from your products (with their permission of course). This creates social proof of your products and services and will inspire more people to work with your or buy from you because they can see your products working for other people.
October 13: Train Your Brain Day - create a series of stories quizzing your audinece on yourself, your business offerings etc. The engagement from this is good for reach and create a connection with your audience.
October 16: World Food Day - If you have food products or services then promote those but beyond that you could do a round up of your favourite local restaurants or food trucks. Shouting out other businesses often gets you more reach from their audeinces if they re-share it, and it helps your audience get to know you. You can do this in your stories and make sure you tag the businesses you mention!
October 17: National Clean Up Your Virtual Desktop Day - share a checklist your followers can use to clean up and organized their online workspaces. This could look like unfollowing accounts, removing no longer needed files from your doanloads folder (I need to do this 🫣) or anything else related to your business and your clients. It's a great remind that you're the expert while helping them improve their virtual workspace.
October 19: Evaluate Your Life Day - the business coach in me is telling you today is a great day to review your products, services, free resources etc. and see if they are still aligned with things that light you up, help your audience and make money. If not, it's time to let them go. In terms of content creation, you can share a post talking about how you've 'evaulated your business' and pivoted. Also, share how things are going now that you've pivoted. This builds authority and creates a personal connection to your story and mission.
October 20: World Statistics Day - pick a statistic from your industry & create a post talking about how your product or service changes the statistic. Ex. you are 95% more likely to succeed by simply directing accountability to a third party. Meaning you're more likely to achieve your goals when we work together 😏
October 22: National Colour Day - this one is for my designers, graphic, website or interior. It's the perfect opportunity to share about a brand kit or mood board you've created for clients. Feel free to include testimonials from those clients if you have them.
October 25: International Artists Day - Everyone is an artist, share how you 'create art' in your business. Aka. promote some of your products!
October 28: National Trick or Treat Day - share a trick and/or treat with your audeince. This could be a sale or an educational video Ex. An Instagram story trick you can do today to increase your engagement!
October 29: World Internet Day - our businesses all use the internet to succeed. Use today to create a post with the hook "Internet, please connect me with __" and then share a few details about your ideal customers or clients that you want to connect with. Add a CTA inviting your audience to tag their friends who are those people. Similar to this post.
October 31: Halloween - this would be a fun opportunity to create a post sharing the differnt 'costumes' you wear in your business (ex. social media marketer, photographer, accountant, secretary etc.)
Remember to only use the ideas that relate the best to your business and try to limit the number of posts you're creating for these National holidays to a few. they should be a fun way to shake up your content mix but shouldn't be the foundation of your strategy!
If you're looking for support creating a social media content calendar that support your business goals and generates sales, click here to learn how I can help or check out the Social Success Planner.
Planning your content ideas for a different month? Check out: